Category: News

Witzel’s philology

Witzel has removed the Rigvedic Aryans from all but the corner of north India according to his philological conclusions. Though the Rigveda mentions samudra, the common Sanskrit term for ocean over 150 times, as the goal of all rivers, as endless in extent and as containing great waves, Witzel will not credit them with knowing the ocean because according to him they didn’t portray samudra with the correct salt content!

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Philology vanished: Frawley’s Rigveda — II

The public should not be misled by the glib, fashionable advocating of “innovative” theories that may fall in line with the present cultural climate in certain sections of the Indian and NRI public.

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Philology vanished: Frawley’s Rigveda — I

Like all scholarship, Vedic philology is constantly updated, tested and re-examined. Peer review and criticism alone take care of this. Authors of Frawleyan type `innovative’ interpretations usually do not carry out a countercheck of other possibilities and of gaps in the evidence, causing severe criticism.

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Witzel’s vanishing ocean

If one can interpret the Rigveda in the Witzel sense, ignoring the obvious and logical meaning of terms, then there is no telling what the Veda can be turned into.

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A maritime Rigveda? — How not to read ancient texts

To impute modern/medieval meanings when reading the Rigveda is a dangerous undertaking — as it is with all archaic texts, from Homer to the Bible to Confucius. Even Shakespeare, who wrote a mere 400 years ago, is not always immediately accessible to readers of modern English.

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  • Featured Video

  • Teaching Profession

    The Assistant professor of Indology,University tubingen, Germany.

    1978-1980 Associate Professor of Sanskrit,Instituut Kern, University of Leiden,The Netherlands

    1981-1986 Professor of Sanskrit language and literature University of Leiden,The Netherlands

    1986-1987 Visiting Professor of Sanskrit,Harvard University

    1987-Harvard University,Wales Professor of Sanskrit,Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Harvard University

    1997 Invitation to become Prof of Indology and head of the Department Indology and Iranin Studies,Munich University,Germany,declined,as to remain at Harvard.

    1999-President, Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory, Boston

  • Books Published

    The Home of the Aryans

    Autochthonous Aryans

    Indian Philology and South Asian

    Vedic Hinduism

    Das Alte Indien

    Katha Aranyaka

    The World’s Mythologies

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