The Brahimns of Kashmir

The Kashmiri Brahmins, usually called Pait,constitute one single group,the Kåśmīra Bråhmaa,without any real subdivisions. They form, according to Bühler,the first Indologist to visit the Valley, one unified community: they ‘interdine’ and they also teach each other.But not all of them intermarry,which is the real test of belonging or not belonging to a single community.

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Nepalese Hydronomy

The prehistory and the early history of Nepal are largely unknown – certainly, as far as the major part of the country is concerned, because it is not situated closely enough to such early cultural and political centers such as Kapilavastu, or medieval ones such as the Kathmandu Valley, Tibet, Chamba or Jumla. Nor can we expect, except from future extensive archaeological surveys,more information for those areas that have not left us with written documentation.

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On Indian Historical Writing

It has long been held in modern Indological and in more general and popular writing that India has no (sense of) history, and this view has frequently been justified by the observation that indigenous historical writing has been almost completely absent until fairly recent times.
This is even maintained by firmly nationalistic writers such a R.C.Majumdar: “It is a well-known fact that with the single exception of Râjataranginî (History of Kashmir), there is no historical text in Sanskrit dealing with the whole or even parts of India.

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Regionale and aberregionale faktoren im der entwicklung vedischer

The early development of the various groups and communities of Vedic Brahmins and their respective Vedic schools (śåkhå) is still largely unknown*. However, beginning with the 3rd century A.D. land grants to Brahmins are well documented on copper plates. A careful analysis of the grants permits a reconstruction of the history of the śåkhås in the Middle Ages.

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Sur le chemin du ciel

Cet essai, paru xà Breslau en 1894, était en fait dirigé contre interprétation “médiévale” du RV par Pischel et Geldner, dans leurs Vedische Studien I-III (Stuttgart, 1889-1892).Point de vue en faveur dans l’Inde contemporaine, semble-t-il : voir le compte-rendu d’un ouvrage de cette tendance par W. Rau,IIJ 21,1979,p. 281 ; et Proceedings of the 31th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa.Tokyo-Kyoto.

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